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'Blossom Serenity' + 'Home, Sweet Home' + 'Photographer' + 'Winged Melodies' + Mintay Chippies + Decorative Vellum + Mintay Basic Card Bases + Mintay Woodies
Featuring a smooth surface and tight grain, this mini-collection is designed to offer the perfect balance between durability and flexibility, withstand repeated folding. Perfect for layered cardmaking, scrapbooking and photo journaling.
'Sweet as Honey 2' + 'Charmed' + 'Handmade For You' Card Kit + Maker's Series FOLIO 10
White synthetic brushes are the go-to tool in many artists' brush vases. Series 6100 has a soft flexibility that is perfect for low to medium viscosity paint. Series 6850 brushes are the industry standard for fluid acrylic and ink.